Release management is an essential process for any business that relies on software to run its operations. Release management refers to the process of planning, designing, scheduling, testing, deploying, and controlling software releases. The goal of release management is to ensure that release teams efficiently deliver the applications and upgrades required by the business while maintaining the integrity of the existing production environment. Attemptive is proud to offer the best quality release management services in the industry. Our team of experts ensures that release teams are able to deliver the applications and upgrades required by the business while maintaining the integrity of the existing production environment. Contact us today to learn more about our release management services.

The planning stage may be the most time intensive as this is where your entire release is structured from start to finish. A robust release plan will help your team stay on track and ensure standards an requirements are properly met.
With the release plan finalized, you can start designing and building the product for release. This is the actual “development” of the product based on the requirements outlined in the release plan.

User acceptance testing, also known as UAT, is when the end users the product was build for get to actually use it and give feedback. This is often done as a free beta trial online or employees within the company.
This step is to put the finishing touches on the product, taking into account everything that was learned in UAT. Release preparation also includes a final quality review by the QA team.

The big day has finally arrived and here is where all your team’s hard works pay’s off. It’s time release your product into the wilds of the live production environment.